Where Should You Put A Portable Fire Extinguisher?
Every building (and fire) is different. The placement of your fire extinguishers depends on your facility’s size, layout, personnel, and unique fire risks.Most business owners understand that they must have portable fire extinguishers. OSHA requires that employers provide portable fire extinguishers and properly place and identify them so they are readily accessible for anyone in the event of a fire.
Though building owners know they need fire extinguishers, there's often confusion about where to put them.
From the ideal location to spacing to identifying, we’ll answer the top five most frequently asked portable fire extinguisher location questions for businesses.
Why Does Fire Extinguisher Location Matter?
Fire extinguisher location is a critical aspect of fire safety that can significantly impact the effectiveness of emergency response. Here's why the placement of fire extinguishers matters:
- Quick Access in Emergencies: In the event of a fire, every second counts. Strategic fire extinguisher location reduces the time it takes to retrieve an extinguisher, which can be crucial in preventing a minor incident from escalating into a major emergency.
- Compliance with Safety Regulations: Correct placement of portable fire extinguishers is not just a matter of convenience; it's often a legal requirement. Adhering to local and national fire codes and regulations regarding extinguisher placement helps ensure that your organization remains compliant and avoids potential penalties.
- Visibility and Awareness: When fire extinguishers are placed in visible, easily accessible locations, they increase employee and visitor awareness. This visibility serves as a constant reminder of fire safety measures and can help people familiarize themselves with the locations of these crucial safety devices.
- Tailored Protection for Specific Risks: Different areas of a building may have varying fire risks. Proper placement of fire extinguishers takes into account the specific hazards present in each area, ensuring that the right type of extinguisher is available where it's most likely to be needed. For example, Class K extinguishers can be placed in kitchens and Class C extinguishers near electrical equipment.
- Facilitating Evacuation: Strategically placed fire extinguishers can help clear evacuation paths by allowing individuals to combat small fires that might otherwise block exits.
By understanding the importance of fire extinguisher location, organizations can create a more effective fire safety strategy, ensuring that these critical devices are always ready and within reach when needed most.
Let's get into the top question about the ideal location and placement for portable fire extinguishers.
1. Where Should Fire Extinguishers be Located?
We know that fire extinguishers need to be readily accessible by employees in the event of a fire. But where should those fire extinguishers be located?
The answer depends on your facility's specs (size, space, layout) and its unique fire hazards.
Fires can start from many sources—flammable liquids, combustible materials like wood or paper, electric equipment, and more.
Each of these sources requires a specific suppressant to put the fire out effectively.
Portable fire extinguishers have different ratings as per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) that accommodate these differences.
There are five fire extinguisher ratings—Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class K.
Here are the locations where each type of portable fire extinguisher is required:
Class A: These fires are characterized by common combustible materials like wood, paper, rubber, and plastic. The best location for these fire extinguishers would be near locations with this material type, including offices, classrooms, and assembly halls.
Class B: Class B fires are ones started by flammable liquids or gasses. You must have this type of portable fire extinguisher in workshops, storage areas, garages, warehouses, or service and manufacturing areas that contain these materials.
Class C: Energized electrical equipment are the primary cause of Class C fires and it is required that you have a portable fire extinguisher anywhere this type of equipment is used such as an electrical closet.
Class D: When it comes to Class D fires, it's all about combustible metals. You'll need a fire extinguisher in any areas that generate metal powders, shavings, or flakes every 1-2 weeks.
Class K: Class K fires are characterized by fires that can start in commercial kitchens via combustible cooking oils or fats. Any kitchen or other location with these materials requires this type of portable fire extinguisher.
As these types of fires differ, your fire extinguisher must be rated and tested to suppress that unique reaction. For example, you wouldn't use a Class K fire extinguisher to put out a Class C hazard.
2. How Far Apart do Fire Extinguishers Need to Be?
It's a common misconception that there's a hard and fast rule for the distance requirements of portable fire extinguishers in a building.
But it's not that cut and dry.
As with the location, the distance requirements for fire extinguishers are actually based on the size of the area, the type of fire extinguishers, and the locations of potential hazards.
The information below gives you an idea of the best fire extinguisher placement, including how close your fire extinguishers should be to your employees, depending on the hazard type.
An important call-out here is the maximum travel distance. Given that different fires can range in intensity, severity, and suppression protocol, there is a standard guideline for the farthest an employee should need to travel before reaching an extinguisher.
It's also good to know that spacing refers to the fire extinguishers' required distance from each other or the hazard itself.
Class A Fire Extinguishers
Hazards: Ordinary combustible materials (cloth, wood, paper, rubber, plastic, etc.)
Spacing: One extinguisher every 3,000 square feet
Maximum Travel Distance: 75 feet
Class B Fire Extinguishers
Hazards: Flammable liquids or gasses (gasoline, natural gas, etc.)
Maximum Travel Distance: 50 feet
Class C Fire Extinguishers
Hazards: Electrical (machinery, electrical cables)
Spacing/Maximum Travel Distance: Based on the underlying Class A or B hazard, meaning the device should be no more than 75 feet away from the potential fire hazard.
Class D Fire Extinguishers
Hazards: Flammable metals
Spacing: 75 feet from the hazard
Class K Fire Extinguishers
Hazards: Cooking oils (and combustible cooking media), fats, and vegetable or animal oils
Maximum Travel Distance: 30 feet
3. Do I Need a Map Showing Fire Extinguisher Location?
Having the appropriate fire extinguishers is just the first step. In order to make having them effective, your staff need to be able to easily locate them.
While a fire extinguisher map isn't necessarily a requirement, an evacuation map typically is. Evacuation maps are detailed diagrams that point people to safety in an emergency. This type of map is often required by OSHA, your local fire marshal, insurance carrier, or industry regulation agency.
Since portable fire extinguishers may be needed to escape the building, you should include their locations on your map.
4. How Should Fire Extinguishers be Mounted to the Wall?
Properly securing and fastening your fire extinguisher to the wall ensures the device is secure, visible, and readily accessible by anyone who needs it.
While you need people to be able to access it, you also need to mount your portable fire extinguishers in such a way that they can't be easily moved or damaged.
According to NAFPA, fire extinguishers must be mounted so that the carrying handle is at least 4 inches off the ground up to a maximum of 5 feet off the ground. There are exceptions for portable fire extinguishers heavier than 40 pounds or fire extinguishers on wheels.
The most important thing to remember is that fire extinguishers cannot be stored on the ground.
5. Do My Fire Extinguishers Need Signs Above Them?
Fire extinguishers are required to be easily identifiable. Sometimes, however, they may not be so easy to spot from a distance. Extinguishers may be blocked from view by obstructions such as shelving or open doors, or the person may be standing at the wrong angle.
This is why it is best to install a sign, emergency lighting, or other means of identification above a portable fire extinguisher. How high? The answer depends on your job site conditions. In some cases, the sign may need to be posted quite high, such as near the ceiling, instead of directly above the extinguisher.
Undergoing a thorough fire safety assessment could help you determine the appropriate identification measures for your space.
Additional Fire Extinguisher Location FAQs
Let’s explore some additional commonly asked questions regarding ideal fire extinguisher location.
- How Many Fire Extinguishers Should You Have In Your Building?: The number of fire extinguishers required in a building depends on several factors, including your business size, travel distance requirements, as well as hazard type and occupancy classification.
- Should You Have A Hazard Extinguisher Spacing Light In Your Building?: Yes, it is highly recommended to have extinguisher spacing lights in your building for visibility, accessibility, compliance, and safety. While not always mandatory, incorporating extinguisher spacing lights is considered a best practice for enhancing fire safety.
Build a Fire Protection Plan for Your Building
Understanding the proper location and placement of fire extinguishers is crucial for maintaining a safe environment and ensuring effective emergency response.
This article has addressed the top five questions regarding fire extinguisher placement, highlighting the importance of strategic positioning, proper spacing, and clear identification to ensure your building is compliant and operating at safety best practices.
While answering these common fire extinguisher location questions may be simple, executing the recommendations isn't always straightforward. You need a thorough assessment of your building and hazard risks to ensure you're doing right by your people and property.
Partnering with a fire protection company can help you navigate all of the fire extinguisher requirements and ensure that your business is fully compliant and safe. Reach out to an expert fire safety team for a consultation.