Where to Buy Fire Extinguishers in Denver, CO?

May 1 2020

Where to Buy Fire Extinguishers in Denver, CO?

It can be tricky to figure out the best place to buy fire extinguishers for your business.

Business owners and managers understand that they're required to have fire extinguishers in the facility — but the different types, sizes, placement, and maintenance necessary to keep fire extinguishers functioning and compliant can add a lot to the buying confusion.

The Denver area has many in-store as well as online options for buying fire extinguishers, so businesses have several options for purchasing fire extinguishers — each option with its own considerations. Here’s what you need to know about each purchasing method to make the decision that is right for you.

Big Box Stores Fire Extinguishers

From Boulder to Denver to Colorado Springs, there's no shortage of chain retailers. Buying a fire extinguisher from a large retail chain is certainly possible, however, for businesses in particular, buying fire extinguishers at box stores is simply not practical.

First, you’ll be faced with a wide range of options. Unless you know for sure exactly which type of extinguisher you need, the selection can be overwhelming. The staff members at these stores are typically not trained and certified fire protection experts, so it can be difficult to select the right extinguishers for your business's needs.

Before purchasing any fire protection equipment for your business, it is important to have a fire hazard risk assessment completed by a fire protection company. This allows you to find out specifically what equipment you need (and where) to protect your specific business assets and your employees.

Ultimately, buying fire extinguishers at big box stores is much more challenging because it is up to you to make an educated guess about what you need, instead of knowing for sure that you are protected and compliant with municipal fire codes.

Online Fire Extinguishers

Buying fire extinguishers online poses similar challenges as buying them at big box stores. The options online are virtually limitless, and you may have to read through the vast number of product reviews in order to choose the one that is right for you (not to mention shipping fees!). 

Most importantly, both the online and big box store options do not come with the code-compliant inspection tag that verifies the equipment is compliant and within proper service schedule. This means you'll have to bring the new equipment to a fire protection company for inspection and tag before installation, typically at an additional cost which is often included in the purchase price when bought from a fire professional.

Similarly, if the newly acquired equipment develops a leak or has other warranty issues, the big box store and online retail site will often require the buyer to ship the extinguisher back to the manufacturer for warranty replacement. Most local fire protection companies honor the warranties directly and provide local repair or replacement options with a lot less hassle,  expense, and downtime. 

Fire Protection Companies

For all these reasons, the best option for buying fire extinguishers in the greater Denver area is from a fire protection company. Not only will you receive expert advice about which type of fire extinguisher you need, but the cost of equipment is typically on par with the retail chains. 

Buying equipment from a fire protection company makes the most sense, both financially and in terms of safety. Fire protection companies can provide the right equipment, install equipment correctly, honor warranties, and even set up a schedule of services to ensure the equipment is always in working order. Also, because businesses usually need many extinguishers instead of just a couple, reduced pricing is sometimes available.

Purchasing fire extinguishers isn’t simply a matter of complying with life safety codes. It’s about protecting your business and saving lives. The best way to ensure that you have the right fire protection equipment for the job is to purchase fire extinguishers through a certified fire protection company.

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